There's a new animal joining Bunny and the gang. Ai - a supersonic, super-fast aye-aye! But how will Ai fit in to the Woods? What mischievous schemes is Skunky cooking up? And will Monkey ever stop tr...
Another entrancing children's novel from award-winning author Philip Reeve. On accompanying her uncle as he explores the mysterious island of Summertide, our young protagonist is witness to strange ha...
Join bestselling comics sensation Jamie Smart for this hilarious collection of stories, available in a new chunky format! This brand new remastered book collects together Bunny vs Monkey 3: The Stench...
ARMADILLO AND HARE live with their friends in the Big Forest. Hare loves dancing. Armadillo loves cheese sandwiches. Hare loves playing the tuba. Armadillo loves cheese sandwiches. Hare loves his best...
A novel full of mystery and delight, from bestselling, award-winning author Philip Reeve. As the entrancing, unfathomable power of the sea fills Utterly Dark's dreams, so it will seep into your heart...
The boy has always loved the sea. So he builds a boat and sails away on a voyage of adventure . . . The wonders of the world await you in this beautiful and inspiring book about following your dreams.
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