Top 10 Inpress Books

Inpress Books

A blend of science fiction, absurdism and alternative-historical realism, Happy Stories, Mostly is a collection of twelve sto...

Inpress Books

A cinematic collision of faith and personal beliefs on the sun-parched plains.

Inpress Books

The near-distant future. Millions of kilometres from Earth.

Inpress Books

A fresh and unique debut novel by the bestselling young star of Korean queer fiction about queers and Catholicism, women, abo...

Inpress Books

The first UK publication of iconic essays and poems by a celebrated writer, poet and feminist.

Inpress Books

Childhood trauma and challenges are overcome through sisterly tenderness and a love of language.

Inpress Books

Heavily pregnant Alice and her partner Pete are done with the city. Above all, Alice is haunted by the rumours of the skin se...

Inpress Books

Akutagawa-award-winning author Yu Miri uses her outsider's perspective as a Zainichi (Korean-Japanese) writer to craft a nove...

Inpress Books

An eighty-year-old woman slips into a deep depression at the death of her husband, then resurfaces to gain a new lease on lif...

Inpress Books

In a single day, a journey across Buenos Aires reveals a daughter to her mother, a mother to herself, and the oppressive weig...

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