Top 10 Para Bellum Wargames

Para Bellum Wargames

HOLD WARRIORS (/HOLD BALLISTAE DUAL KIT)THE DWEGHOMDespite the tremendous influence that both the Ardent and Tempered sects h...

Para Bellum Wargames

HOUSEHOLD KNIGHTS THE HUNDRED KINGDOMS The time, effort and money required to train a knight is staggering. Training begins a...

Para Bellum Wargames

MEN-AT-ARMSTHE HUNDRED KINGDOMSThe bulk of the armed forces in the Hundred Kingdoms today is composed of well-equipped, profe...

Para Bellum Wargames

BLOODEDTHE NORDSWhen the Nords first began raiding the northern shores, the panicked populace of the newly-fledged Kingdoms d...

Para Bellum Wargames

Abominations loom several man heights over the head of even the tallest mortal. Their gore slicked limbs spider out from its...

Para Bellum Wargames

3 models of Medium Brutes that pack a heavy punch. Literally. Towering well over two meters, with most specimens touching th...

Para Bellum Wargames

HOLD RAEGHTHE DWEGHOMTo behold a Hold Raegh on the field of war is to witness a Paragon of his craft at the very pinnacle of...

Para Bellum Wargames

ARDENT KERAWEGHTHE DWEGHOMAs a faction based on the exaltation of freedom, the Ardent struggle mightily with the questions of...

Para Bellum Wargames

Doosinhoud: 1 Beperkte Editie Polemarch: 1 Hars Miniatuur, 1 Infanteriebasis en Standaard en 1 Bevelskaart 24 Hoplieten/Fa...

Para Bellum Wargames

INFERNO AUTOMATATHE DWEGHOMWhen the last Dragon finally fell, the Dweghom stood as the sole masters of the once mighty Rooks....

Top 10 producten van Para Bellum Wargames

Para Bellum Wargames heeft een grote selectie producten die voor ieder wel op een bepaald moment te gebruiken zijn. Maar wat is nu het beste product wat echt niet mag ontbreken in jouw leven? Om hierachter te komen hebben we de 10 beste producten op een rijtje gezet.

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