Many Americans assume that the country was founded by skeptics of "big government," who saw minimal state power as freedom's prerequisite. Annelien de Dijn takes on this myth. In fact, this was the vi...
Traces the story of how ancient cultures envisioned artificial life, automata, self-moving devices and human enhancements, sharing insights into how the mythologies of the past related to and shaped a...
One of Europe's greatest living philosophers, Giorgio Agamben, analyzes the life and work of one of Europe's greatest poets, Friedrich Hoelderlin. What does it mean to inhabit a place or a self? W...
Judith Butler shows how COVID-19 and all its consequences-political, social, ecological, economic-challenge us to develop a new account of interdependency. Butler argues for a radical social equality...
Open to Reason traces Muslims' long intellectual and spiritual history of questioning to show how Islamic philosophy has always engaged critically with texts and ideas both inside and outside its trad...
Why Piranesi's greatest works weren't his famous prints but rather the books for which he made themA draftsman, printmaker, architect, and archaeologist, Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-78) is best k...
The year's finest mathematics writing from around the world This annual anthology brings together the year's finest mathematics writing from around the world. Featuring promising new voices alongside...
Calculus. For some of us, the word conjures up memories of ten-pound textbooks and visions of tedious abstract equations. And yet, in reality, calculus is fun and accessible, and surrounds us everywhe...
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