Too many popular histories seek to establish heroes, pioneers and martyrs but as Huw Lemmey and Ben Miller argue, the past is...
Kissinger is dead but his blood-soaked legacy endures
Pilger tackles the injustices and double standards inherent in the politics of globalization and exposes the terrible truth b...
Acclaimed fantasy author China Mieville plunges us into the year the world was turned upside down
The story of NATO's disastrous occupation of Afghanistan, and how it repeated the mistakes of the Soviet occupation which pre...
The first English language publication of the work of Izumi Suzuki, a legend of Japanese science fiction and a countercultura...
Can capitalism survive climate change? Can humanity?
A trenchant look at contemporary capitalism's insatiable appetite - and a rallying cry for everyone who wants to stop it from...
Charts the history of women's liberation and calls for a revitalized feminism
This isn't a book for people who want to fix Big Tech. It's a detailed disassembly manual for people who want to dismantle it...
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