Elephant Name: Little Happy 10 cm ( Xiao le)Artist: Priscilla Teoh-Stoute Inspiration: A fascinating Chinese art of paper cutting motifs and all the words of blessings make this elephant an auspicio...
Elephant Name : Bolero 10 cmArtist : Narin KhantawongInspiration : “This is how I think we can see the classic Bolero rhythm, howwe can communicate the music through painting. The softnessand gentlene...
Elephant name: Amazing Lotus 10 cmArtist: Narin KhantawongParade: Trier-Luxembourg 2013 Inspiration: “The Lotus is the symbol of peace, purity and calmness. I present this stunning, lively elephant...
Elephant name: Tara Astamangala 10 cmArtist: Good EarthParade: India 2018 Inspiration: “Heroine of the epic tale ‘Travels on my Elephant’, Tara is one of the most famous Asian elephants in the world...
Elephant Parade is a social enterprise and runs the world’s largest art exhibition of decorated elephant statues. Created by artists and celebrities, each Elephant Parade statue is a unique art piec...
Elephant name: Rachinee 10 cmArtist: Wilairat TanoParade: Trier-Luxembourg 2013 Inspiration: “Rachinee is the Queen of everything, this elephant representing the strength of the Thai culture.” All...
Elephant name: Tuan Yuan 10 cmArtist: Khunakorn Muenpang Parade: Travelling Herd 2018 Inspiration: Tuan Yuan is a symbol of togetherness and the family unitingduring the festive season, sharing sm...
Elephant Parade Celestial olifant van 10 cm is ontworpen door Chakrit Choochalerm voor de Travelling Herd 2018 Parade. Als je omhoog kijkt naar de sterrenhemel, heb je misschien het geluk om de volle...
Elephant name: A Love Story 10 cmArtist: Kesorn MueanpangParade: UK Tour 2014 Inspiration: “Elephants have greeting ceremonies when a friend that has been away returns to the group. Like people, the...
Elephant name: Sanuk 10 cmArtist: Nancy ChandlerParade: Bangkok 2015 Inspiration: “Nancy was most honored to be invited to design for Elephant Parade. Her design was inspired by the sights of Bangk...
Elephant name: Psycho Elephant Antropofágico Tropical 10 cmArtist: Fernando GuimaraesParade: Floripa 2015 / Traveling Herd Europe Inspiration: “Psychedelic – I want people to reflect on each picture...
Elephant name: BAMBOO FOREST 10 cmArtist: Chris ChunParade: Travelling Herd 2019 Inspiration: Bamboo is consideres to be symbol of vitue, reflecting the values of Chinese Culture. May the elephant,...
Elephant name: Tree of Life 10 cmArtist: Diana FrancisParade: Hong Kong 2014 Inspiration: “Something BIG has landed in Hong Kong! Take it in and treasure the ‘Pearl Of The Orient’ Hong Kong experien...
Elephant parade DRAGON FRUIT 10 cm Elephant name: DRAGON FRUIT 10 cmArtist: Natchai Posila Inspiration: Dragon Fruit is a wonder fruit. It has incredible, vibrant, scales with a colourful explosion...
Elephant parade Psycho 10 cm Elephant name: Psycho 10 cmArtist: Pimprapa Dumdej Parade: Emmen 2010 Inspiration: The Sixties: ‘One Love’, Indians, hallucinations. For me the inspiration for my wor...
ElephantParade is the second largest public art event in the world. Since 2007 there have been events worldwide in 30 cities. More than 3,000 artists have produced more than 2000 unique works of art.A...
Elephant name: Iro Iro 10 cmArtist: Edith Rollinger-SimonParade: Lux-Trier 2013 Inspiration: “the Japanese translation of his name and stands for variety. Especially Iro Iro represents fortune and a...
ElephantParade is the second largest public art event in the world. Since 2007 there have been events worldwide in 30 cities. More than 3,000 artists have produced more than 2000 unique works of art.A...
ElephantParade is the second largest public art event in the world. Since 2007 there have been events worldwide in 30 cities. More than 3,000 artists have produced more than 2000 unique works of art.A...
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