What if I told you that the feeling we call love is actually the feeling of metaphysical recognition, when your soul remembers someone from a previous life?In the year 4 BCE, an ambitious courtier is...
KATHARINE HAS WAITED HER WHOLE LIFE TO TAKE THE THRONE.And with the fury of the dead queens roaring beneath her skin, her time has come. But many still challenge her rule, and with the whereabouts of...
From the beloved artist-seeker behind The Wild Unknown comes the New York Times bestselling tarot deck and guidebook in a beautifully designed, pocket-sized collectible tin. Kim Krans is not only a...
Don't miss this Epic Reads paperback, featuring a brand-new look and an exclusive Q&A with Maureen Johnson-available for a limited time only! With a stunning new design, this Epic Reads edition of be...
A former US Navy SEAL, the author tells the story of his legendary career, from 1999-2009, during which time he recorded the most confirmed sniper kills in the history of the United States military, a...
New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller!In New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson's second novel in the Truly Devious series, there are more twists and turns than Stevie Bell can im...
Shannon Chakraborty, the bestselling author of The City of Brass, spins a new trilogy of magic and mayhem on the high seas in this tale of pirates and sorcerers, forbidden artifacts and ancient myster...
Bill Campbell helped to build some of Silicon Valley's greatest companies?including Google, Apple, and Intuit?and to create over a trillion dollars in market value. A former college football player an...
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