Magic meets Dungeons & Dragons! Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is een Dungeons & Dragons crossover Magic: The Gathering set waarbij iconische D&D monsters en karakters strijde...
Welkom op de nieuwe Magic the Gathering Plane, Eldraine. Throne of Eldraine is de eerste set na Core Set 2020.Deze Speciale collector Booster bevat 15 kaarten waarvan 1 rare/mythic rare with extended...
Magic keert terug naar de populaire plane Innistrad! Innistrad: Midnight Hunt will focus on Werewolves, the tribe that is known for its use of the double-faced card mechanic.Een Bundle bevat onder an...
De duisternis valt over Ravnica... Een groots conflict ligt op de loer en de vrede tussen de guilds staat op het spel. Het is tijd om je trouwheid aan je guild te tonen en de strijd aan te gaan tijden...
This package contains everything you need for a two-player Magic game. When you rip it open, you get two boxes:In each box, there's a Magic 2012 Booster Pack and two color-specific groups of cards.
Secret Lair is a series of limited releases created by Magic fans for Magic fans. Curated with reverence and packaged with care, it's Magic’s love letter to the community, and it's about to land where...
This is the penultimate moment of the Gatewatch's fight against Nicol Bolas. Darkness is coming to Ravnica. A conflict that could tear apart the world itself looms large, and the fragile peace between...
Portal is the name given to the three Magic: The Gathering starter level sets. The first two Portal sets (including Portal The Second Age) were inspired by Chinese mythology.No new mechanics were intr...
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