Verrassende rooibos blend waar kinderen dol op zijn. Deze thee kan perfect gedronken worden voor het slapen gaan. Voordelen van rooibos thee:+ Rijk aan vitamines en mineralen+ Bevat geen cafeïne Wis...
Verfrissende kruidenthee met goudsbloem, verveine, en sinaasappel geschikt voor elk moment van de dag. Wat zit er allemaal in de Kruidenthee Citroengras set?100 gram Kruidenthee Citroengras1 bijpasse...
A delicate, afternoon blend embellished with violet cornflowers and magnificently accompanied by creamy rhubarb and citrusy lulo fruit. A tea redolent of lemon blossoms, strawberries and spring flower...
This blend of Ayurvedic spices warms and energizes the body with its sweet and spicy aromas of cinnamon, clove, black pepper, cardamom, and ginger. For an even richer and creamier result, prepare your...
A sweet and nutty blend that harmoniously combines Greek flavours such as pistachio, grape, and almonds with South Africa’s miracle: rooibos. A light-bodied tea that is an ideal choice any time of the...
The importance of breast milk and breastfeeding cannot be denied. With rooibos, fennel, anise, cumin, barley malt, nettle, and lemongrass as our allies, we created this fresh, lemony and slightly sp...
A refreshing blend with a green sencha tea base that merges the clean and sour aromas of lemon with the nutty and earthy notes of almond and pistachio. With its characteristic, fine aroma, Chios masti...
Aangename vruchtenthee met de fijne smaak van salie en de frisheid van yuzu. Wat zit er allemaal in de yuzu bundel?100 gram vruchtenthee yuzu1 bijpassend theeblik1 theezeef edelstaal1 thee maatlepel...
Half geoxideerde oolong uit Taiwan. Dit is een pure oolong thee die bloemig van smaak is. Wat zit er allemaal in de Formosa oolong set?100 gram Formosa Oolong1 bijpassend theeblik1 theezeef edelstaal...
Theeblik Rooibos Citroengras - 100 gram Dit is een set van een theeblik met een zak van 100 gram Rooibos Citroengras. Verfrissende rooibos met citroengras prefect rond het 4 uur moment.
A dynamic and intense wellness blend with a Pu-erh base from China’s Yunnan Province, created especially for people who exercise and want to rid their body of toxins. The tea’s detoxifying action bo...
Goji Acai is a sweet and fruity green tea blend that bursts with aromas of red fruit and berries. Hibiscus, rose hip, goji berries, acai berries, pomegranate, apple, and blackberry combined marvellous...
A mosaic of colours and flavours from organic herbs and fruits. First to make their appearance are the sweet aromas of apple, raisins and sage, followed by the invigorating aromas of rosemary, blood o...
In this blend, whose base is a black tea from Assam, India, the cocoa beans play the leading role. Cocoa and chocolate bits: bitter and sweet together in a rich brew that overflows with aromas. Ingre...
All the freshness and benefits of green tea, without the caffeine. Green sencha from China, flavoured with orange and lemon peel and bergamot essential oil. Equally, enjoyable, hot or cold. Ingredien...
Luscious pieces of caramel and hazelnut mixed with coconut flakes to produce a balanced, luxuriant brew with warm and earthy undertones. We chose a combination of green sencha and black Ceylon tea as...
A highly aromatic and mildly spicy organic blend in which the dominant Chios mastiha is combined with green tea and enhanced by the spices accompanying it: cinnamon, ginger, fennel, cardamom, cloves,...
A luxuriant and spicy, flavoured black tea. Well-balanced flavour. The initial appearance of citrusy flavours and spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, pink pepper and cloves subsequently soft...
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Rooibosthee Kruidenthee Zwarte thee Groene thee Vruchtenthee Oolong thee Thee Witte thee Pu-Erh thee
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