De Ringwraiths of Nazgûl waren ooit de koningen van mannen, de dragers van de magische ringen die door Sauron waren gemaakt. Hun ringen verleenden eindeloos leven, maar maakten de koningen geleidelijk...
Deployed as fast-moving rapid-response forces, Space Marine Vanguard Veterans are close-combat specialists. These veterans of the 1st Company take to war propelled by jump packs and armed with the Cha...
Though some Chapters use Repulsor Executioners as armoured escorts for their dedicated troop-carrying tanks, many favour them as transports for Hellblasters and other specialist Primaris squads. In th...
When the Wyldwoods of the Sylvaneth stir, enemies of the natural order must be on their guard. The awakened spirits that dwell within these ancient groves are roused to terrible fury by intrusions int...
Lieutenants act as the right hands of their Captains by providing flexibility and helping to direct their battle-brothers in engagements. They are often entrusted with direct battlefield command of a...
First Order Treadspeeders zijn robuuste, afgeschermde patrouillefietsen met een ontwerp dat meer tractie biedt op onstabiel terrein en dat tegenmaatregelen kan vermijden die traditionele snelheidsduiv...
Before the molten ire of an Eradicator Squad, heavy armour and defended positions stand little chance. Eradicators wear the heavier Gravis pattern of Mk X power armour, allowing them to stride unharme...
Maguses are psychically gifted and possessed of a supernatural charisma. Their control of the hybrids around them is total. As a prophet of their Patriarch, the word of a Magus is law, and their telep...
Age of Sigmar is de heruitvinding van Games Workshop's klassieke miniaturenspel Warhammer: Fantasy. Spelers bouwen en schilderen hun eigen legers aan kunststof miniaturen die zij gebruiken om epische...
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