Susan, Esther, and Daisy started at university three weeks ago and became fast friends. Now, away from home for the first tim...
Your name is Angelo Mortalli. Your brother is trapped behind enemy lines and on the verge of - no. That's not right. Your nam...
Contains materials originally published in Vampirella #1-20, and Vampirella Annual #1-2.--Copyright page.
The dream of rebuilding civilization is tested as the people of Alexandria come into contact with other communities that have...
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of international smash-hit Bleach with this exclusive edition of volume 1!
Bloodshot's nanites made him a nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing made...
Humanity is on the verge of discovering immortality, which means the avatar of Death is out of a job... or is she?
Esther, Susan, and Daisy have moved into their beautiful new house off campus, but the new living situation creates new chall...
Giant Days, the comedic slice-of-life series from creator John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and artist Lissa Treim...
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