Top 10 Karwansaray Publishers

Karwansaray Publishers

In 1428, the English were at the high point of their conquests in France. How, in a mere twenty years, did they see their for...

Karwansaray Publishers

From Northern Europe to Egypt, this issue of WS&S tackles the beginnings of organised warfare during the Bronze Age, complete...

Karwansaray Publishers

While associated with deserts and wild animals, the Roman provinces of Africa were densely urbanized. Beyond these towns were...

Karwansaray Publishers

The third century AD was a time of crisis and upheaval for the Roman Empire. Emperors were confronted with escalating militar...

Karwansaray Publishers

Augustus' reign started with a thorny problem. He was now the proud 'owner' of 50-odd legions, and no rivals to his power. Fo...

Karwansaray Publishers

King at just 20, Alexander of Macedon spent two years securing his northern borders and Greece. In 334 he crossed the Hellesp...

Karwansaray Publishers

In the ancient world, the gods had the power to call down natural disasters, bring disease, and even cause harvests to fail....

Karwansaray Publishers

The reign of Augustus was a major turning point in Roman history. Despite claiming to return to Republican traditions, he tra...

Karwansaray Publishers

Hunting was a universal pastime in the ancient world, and not just for food. From the dark forests of northern Europe to the...

Karwansaray Publishers

King of Bohemia, King of the Romans, and Holy Roman Emperor – Charles IV was an important monarch in both his own country and...

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