Het religieuze leven in West-Europa maakt een ernstige crisis door. De traditionele kerken worden geconfronteerd met leegloop, de oude rituelen verliezen hun betekenis en theologieën die uitdrukking g...
From its beginnings narratology has incorporated a communicative model of literary narratives, considering these as simulations of natural, oral acts of communication. This approach, however, has had...
Nieuw ontdekte oorlogsdagboeken van August Vermeylen‘Ik word vandaag 67 en vind daarin een aanleiding om weer een dagboek te houden’, noteert August Vermeylen op 12 september 1939. Dat deze Vlaamse sc...
The texts of the seven romances included-Havelok, Ywain and Gawain, Sir Orfeo, Sir Launfal, The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne, The Weddyng of Syr Gawen and Dame Ragnell, and The Sege off...
This book sheds new light on language and literature teaching, and offers examples of teaching language in virtual environments. Providing an overview of virtual environments for teaching, it also inc...
Jane Austen is unique among British novelists in maintaining her popular appeal while receiving more scholarly attention now than ever before. This introduction by Janet Todd, leading scholar and edit...
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