Top 10 University Press Gro

University Press Gro

Traces the story of how ancient cultures envisioned artificial life, automata, self-moving devices and human enhancements, sh...

University Press Gro

Why Piranesi's greatest works weren't his famous prints but rather the books for which he made themA draftsman, printmaker, a...

University Press Gro

First paperback edition, with a new preface and conclusion--Title page verso.

University Press Gro

Many Americans assume that the country was founded by skeptics of "big government," who saw minimal state power as freedom's...

University Press Gro

The world is a better place than it used to be. People are healthier, wealthier, and live longer. Yet the escapes from destit...

University Press Gro

Boek The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, geschreven door Mark Twain, uitgegeven door University Press Gro, Literaire roman, novelle

University Press Gro

Giovanni Aloi maps the discourses and practices that have enabled the emergence of taxidermy in contemporary art. Speculative...

University Press Gro

Famines are becoming smaller and rarer, but optimism about the possibility of a famine-free future must be tempered by the th...

University Press Gro

Describes the acceleration, deceleration, and inertial movement; fluid dynamics; and the motions of the earth, moon, planets,...

University Press Gro

One of the most influential and compelling books in American literature, Walden is a vivid account of the years that Henry D....

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