Top 10 Oxford Up Academic

Oxford Up Academic

Word count 25,189 Read at a comfortable level with word count and CEFR level on every cover Illustrations, photos, and diagra...

Oxford Up Academic

Jasper Spam is mad about science, the problem is that all of his experiments tend to end in a BANG, until one day quite accid...

Oxford Up Academic

It's almost time for the vampire ball, and Isadora can't wait! There's just one problem: she's got to compete in a talent sho...

Oxford Up Academic

Famous pop star Misty Twiglet has moved to Bumbleford and she wants to meet roly-poly flying pony, Kevin - it's so exciting -...

Oxford Up Academic

Emily loves living on Funfair Moon - especially when she gets to help Jinks & O'Hare, the extraordinary repair team. But when...

Oxford Up Academic

A new adventure is afoot for the Super Happy Magic Forest heroes when Foam, a merperson, asks for help saving the underwater...

Oxford Up Academic

Marvin's life is perfectly ordinary until one day he discovers a superhero suit with infinite powers . . . In this story, sup...

Oxford Up Academic

A best-selling collection of poems about every kind of football match you can imagine, illustrated in full colour throughout

Oxford Up Academic

Boek Othello: Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 3, geschreven door William Shakespeare, uitgegeven door Oxford Up Academic, Lit...

Oxford Up Academic

Isadora is dreading the maths test on Monday so, with the help of her naughty cousin Mirabelle, she decides to fake being ill...

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