This fully updated 2nd edition of Sensation and Perception covers in detail the perceptual processes related to vision and he...
Following the impacts of the financial crisis and growing awareness around climate change, this accessible textbook aimed at...
A comprehensive, original anthology of practice in clinical social work.
Presenting the basics of brand management, the second edition provides both a theoretical and practical guide, placing emphas...
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its accompanying Codes of Practice continue to have a huge impact on mental health professio...
Met de makkelijk te bedienen Sage CREATISTA PLUS Nespresso machine,maak je zelf de mooiste Latte Art. Door de speciale melksc...
Was it 'big thinking' behind the brilliant minds of Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, a...
Confront the emerging assessment crisis in American education Rick Stiggins details profound changes in the mission of...
Karma Sutras decodes the secrets of effective leadership in these uncertain times. It is a blueprint for success in the organ...
Outlining the key themes, concepts and theoretical areas in the field, this book draws on contributions from prominent resear...
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