Top 10 Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

The main objective of Introduction to Group Therapy is to give the reader a solid understanding of group therapy while simult...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Theodor Adorno was no stranger to controversy. In The Jargon of Authenticity he gives full expression to his hostility to the...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

History means many things to many people. But finding an answer to the question 'What is history?' is a task few feel equippe...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

From the Gracchi to Nero is an outstanding history of the Roman world from 133 BC to 68 AD. Fifty years since publication it...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

This exciting new textbook challenges the implicit notions inherent in most existing International Relations (IR) scholarship...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the most important philosophical and political thinkers of the twentieth century. His writings ha...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is one of the most pre-eminent postcolonial theorists writing today and a scholar of genuinely glo...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

In On the Nature of the Psyche Jung presents a masterly overview of his theories of the unconscious, and its relation to the...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Social ontology is the study of the nature and basic structure of social reality. It is a rapidly growing field at the inters...

Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Covers methodological and statistical issues in designing and analyzing surveys. This handbook provides guidance on collectin...

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Taylor & Francis Group Limited heeft een grote selectie producten die voor ieder wel op een bepaald moment te gebruiken zijn. Maar wat is nu het beste product wat echt niet mag ontbreken in jouw leven? Om hierachter te komen hebben we de 10 beste producten op een rijtje gezet.

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