Top 10 Victrix


This exceptional 20 figure set of 28mm hard plastic miniatures is supberly detailed figures and includes a myriad of addition...


4 Officers in trousers 4 Standard Bearers4 Pipers4 drummers4 NCO's24 infantry in march attack/advancing poses12 infantry in s...


The Numidians were from North Africa, around modern day Tunisia and Morocco. They were superb light cavalry and supplied larg...


The French Dragoons are a truly dynamic set which convey the ferocity of cavalry going into action, waving or levelling their...


The Gauls were big, muscular and strong and made for fearsome adversaries. Their clothing was woven from wool and if you were...


This exceptional 36 figure set of 28mm hard plastic Late Romans has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional part...


Rome's Italian Allied Legions. Legionaries in mixed armour plus Velites and Command These figure represent Rome's Italian a...


High quality 28mm miniatures. Gallic cavalry were a significant mercenary element in Carthaginian armies throughout the Punic...


The set contains 60 figures. Positions included in the set are: 4 officers4 standard bearers4 drummers16 firing line, firin...


This set includes 30 highly detailed plastic miniatures. Whether you're using them as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Em...

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