This book addresses a key need for child therapists--how to actively involve parents in treatment and give them tools to support their child's healthy development. Known for her innovative, creative t...
*English-language acquisition is a high-need area: increasing numbers of districts are getting ELL students and many K-5 teachers are inadequately trained in this area. *Shows how school psychologis...
Die Progressive Muskelentspannung nach Jacobson ist ein von Ärzten und Therapeuten sehr häufig empfohlenes Entspannungsverfahren bei allen stressbedingten seelischen Erkrankungen. Dieses Buch schneide...
This book addresses a key need for child therapists--how to actively involve parents in treatment and give them tools to support their child's healthy development. Known for her innovative, creative t...
Over the last decade, the literature on therapy addressing trauma in children has expanded considerably, as has the literature on dissociation. Unfortunately, very little of this literature has addres...
Elk kind is wel eens brutaal of boos. Dat is normaal. Wanneer opstandig gedrag, anderen ergeren, driftbuien, agressief of antisociaal gedrag vaak of langdurig voorkomen, kan dit ingrijpende en blijven...
This book provides a highly accessible, skills focused entry point to the interventions, techniques, strategies, and core knowledge you need to work with children and young people. Divide...
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